One of the most common things while developing API’s or web applications is that you want to notify your users about some new stuff. node-notifier is a simple module that makes notifications easy.


$ npm install notifier

or include it in package.json


For email notifications, you have to use (jade) templates to write the email body. By default it uses postmarkapp to send emails (in the upcoming versions you’ll be able to configure this). If you plan to not use jade, you can override the processTemplate method to use templating language of your choice.

var notifier = new Notifier({
  APN: false, // apple push notifications
  email: true,
  actions: ['comment', 'like'], // should be the name of the template files
  tplPath: require('path').resolve(__dirname, './templates'), // path to the directory where all the templates reside
  postmarkKey: 'POSTMARK_KEY'

var comment = {
  to: 'Tom',
  from: 'Harry'

var options = {
  to: '',
  subject: 'Harry says Hi to you',
  from: '',
  locals: comment // should be the object containing the attributes used in the template

notifier.send('comment', options, function (err) {
  if (err) return console.log(err);
  console.log('Successfully sent Notifiaction!');

For APN (apple push notifications), notifier uses parse-sdk. Set the APN key to true and provide parseAPI appId and app secret. You can either do

var notifier = new Notifier({
  APN: true, // apple push notifications
  actions: ['comment', 'like'], // should be the name of the templates
  parseAppId: 'APP_ID',
  parseApiKey: 'MASTER_KEY',
  parseChannels: ['USER_5093a266180b779762000005']

or if you have already an instance of Notifier

  APN: true,
  parseChannels: ['USER_5093a266180b779762000005'] // user Id of the user in your system

// var options = { ... }

notifier.send('comment', options, function (err) {
  if (err) return console.log(err);
  console.log('Successfully sent Notifiaction!');
